Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin condition that causes the outer layer of your skin, which is the outer layer of your skin, to become dull or exhibit signs of pigmentation. The skin appears less radiant and becomes white. White spots that result from Vitiligo usually appear as spots on the body, such
In the present, many people suffer from kidney diseases. The condition of patients is aggravated because of excessive waste materials in blood, as a result of which other ailments like high blood pressure and bone weakness, anaemia, inadequate nutritional health, and nerve damage can develop. Kidney
Vitiligo is a long-lasting skin condition that results in the reduction of skin pigmentation, which results in white patches of white on various areas of the body and throughout the body. Presently, a number of treatments are available to slow the progress and encourage skin redistribution. These tr
Vitiligo is a persistent skin condition that causes the loss of pigmentation on the skin, which results in white patches and white patches appearing on different parts of the body and throughout the body. Presently, a number of treatments are available to stop the progress and encourage skin redistr